Geneva Graduate Institute Events Rewind

How to govern AI? Meet with the UNSG's High-Level Advisory Body on Artificial Intelligence

Episode Summary

How can we govern AI to maximize its benefits for humanity and minimise harms? Join us for an exchange with the UN Secretary-General's High-Level Advisory Body on AI Governance on the critical matter of governing artificial intelligence.

Episode Notes

Artificial Intelligence (AI), once a distant concept, now shapes our world in ways we could not have imagined. From groundbreaking scientific discoveries to streamlining everyday tasks, AI holds immense potential for positive change. However, alongside its promises, AI brings risks. Biases can be reinforced, surveillance expanded, and accountability blurred in automated decision-making processes. The rapid evolution of AI technology challenges traditional regulatory frameworks, raising concerns about transparency and ethics. How can we govern AI to maximize its benefits for humanity and minimise harms? 

Join us for an exchange with the UN Secretary-General's High-Level Advisory Body on AI Governance on the critical matter of governing artificial intelligence. 

Introductory remarks by Marie-Laure Salles, Director at the Geneva Graduate Institute. 

Jérôme Duberry, Managing Director of the Tech Hub, and Achim Wennmann, Director for Strategic Partnerships at the Geneva Graduate Institute will co-moderate a panel discussion with: 

The Geneva Graduate Institute has the privilege of being the sole venue for the Advisory Body to engage in an open conversation with the international Geneva community. It represents a pivotal moment in the ongoing discourse on AI governance, offering a forum to contribute to the development of informed, effective policies for the future of artificial intelligence. 

The event was co-organised with the Tech Hub and the Geneva Policy Outlook.